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Somos uma empresa de direção exclusivamente feminina, formada por três sócias: Shyrleide, Gláucia e Emille. Além do Gênero, temos em comum a família (Maia Barros), a disposição ao trabalho e o amor pelo Jalapão.

Mais que empresárias, nos consideramos cidadãs que querem o melhor para nossa cidade, para o Jalapão e para você.

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Pousada Terra Dourada is characterized by easy access, as it is located 1 km from the center of Ponte Alta do Tocantins, considered the city of Portal do Jalapão. Another feature that Pousada Terra Dourada has is that it is located in a rural area, in the middle of nature and has a structure that favors contact with nature.


Being approximately 150 km from Palmas and situated on the banks of the Ponte Alta River, the municipality of Ponte Alta do Tocantins is considered the gateway to the south side of Jalapão. In addition to a basic accommodation structure available to tourists, Ponte Alta offers tourist support services, namely local operators and monitors.


The main tourist attractions are as follows:

  • Sussuapara Canyon;

  • Morro da Pedra Furada;

  • Soninho, Lajeado, Fumaça and Brejo da Cama waterfalls;

  • Tamburi Beach.


Jalapão is considered one of the most beautiful regions of Tocantins and one of the main ecotourism destinations in Brazil, due to the natural diversity it offers: from rivers, waterfalls and fervedouros, to dunes, mountains and rock formations. The four municipalities that comprise it (New Accord, Ponte Alta do Tocantins, Mateiros and São Félix do Tocantins) have their own characteristics and distinct tourist attractions.

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